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Links to other segments on the Mass Central Rail Trail and other Trails and Greenway projects in the region

Mass Central Rail Trail. The 100+ mile trail slowly getting built out in Massachusetts.


East Quabbin Land Trust. A Land Trust  in Palmer Ware, Hardwick and New Braintree


Wachusett Greenways. The folks building out the center section of the MCRT in Barre, Oakham, Rutland, Holden and West Boylston on land largely owned by DCR's watershed protection folks. 


The Mass Central Rail Trail’s Norwottuck Branch operated by the state park agency, Department of Conservation and Recreation, DCR.


Here is a book about the Marblehead Rail Trail.  This is the best book in the U.S. about a single town trail.  Check it out. 


Here's a link to all the reports ever written about the 100 mile trail including one from the spring of 2023 about what a completed 100+ mile long trail will mean to the Commonwealth and the communities along the way. Buckle your seat belt.


Here's an article in Mass Inc's Commonwealth Magazine from April 1998 that was all about the votes in both Belchertown and Weston where the citizenry in both communities voted down the idea of a linear park.  It is a great look back about the issues and the passion against the projects.  And in case you didn't know, the trail in Weston is now open and as been since 2019. 



Btown bumper sticker.png

Left: Old bumper sticker from the 1990s


Friends of the Belchertown Greenway

P.O. Box 171, Belchertown, MA  01007


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